Project Management

Creative & Innovative Ideas


A dream to a reality

It all starts with a dream...

Every great project starts as a dream. Life is full of dreamers. But brave who decide to take risks and start working to make their dreams come true, few.

Financing Potentially Economic and Social Development Projects...

The idea needs to develop, it occupies an opportunity...

This one of us make a difference, leave a mark so that everything is better, making entrepreneurs and visionaries achieve their dreams, their ideas and the opportunity for others in turn, they need to fund themselves to develop their company…

Advice, planning, strategies, technology, legal aspect of operation.

After the dream, the idea and the financing, the development of its logistics for implementation...

The cost of operation, registration, legal aspects, financial and accounting advice, follow-up, integration of operation, etc… in short, what is necessary to operate… count on us for this and more…

Why Us?

How we do it?

NDHF systems....

Innovative strategies

NDHF systems, seeks to provide comprehensive solutions to different problems in society, search for job sources, create them with the opportunity for entrepreneurs to develop their projects in the same way as our projects, creating the possibility of direct and indirect jobs.

Results-Oriented Solutions

Strategic insights

We have decided to carry out campaigns to finance the projects through different means, such as crowdfunding, investors, credits, etc., in order to fulfill the dream of third parties so that they have direct and indirect jobs thanks to the entrepreneurs.

The art of fulfilling dreams

The birth of entrepreneurs and visionaries.

In the end, by helping us, you help future visionaries, entrepreneurs who, by achieving their dreams, in turn move the world economy by creating more jobs.


Project studies

About Us

Who we are?

We work on trying to carry out several projects.

We are the decisive factor behind your success

NDHF Consortium joins SeaTech Costa Rica in the fight for our country and we have a project in our hands to support our fishermen.
A port where you can unload, sell, pack and even export your product like the big industrial plants, a port with its cold chambers, market, packing house, dock, shipyard among other advantages.
We want to know your opinion and those who want more information can ask their questions by this means.
Costa Rica is ours.
Franklin Gutierrez M.
President NDHF Consortium

You have a Project …. We have the team to make it happen.